Quarantine Won't Break Us!
Students, Parents, and Friends,

Since 2006, JMA has been dedicated to empowering people through martial arts and fitness. We started off as a small outfit, and through perseverance and patience, our school became the area’s leading martial arts program.
North Carolina remains one of the most locked-down states, and while JMA remains in limbo at the moment, we have not forgotten the mission we set out to accomplish nearly 15 years ago.
Like so many small businesses, we’ve been forced to adapt. Our TaeKwonDo tenets serve as guiding principles for our work, and all of our great JMA staff understand that we serve as an example (and hope to others) of having strength through adversity.
So many are struggling right now, and while we could make excuses with fitness being one of the most impacted industries, JMA will walk the talk.
Being a martial artist, we learn that we are stronger than we think. Just as you learn to splinter a piece of pine or crush a concrete block, you realize that the obstacle seems stronger than you, yet you overcome.
JMA carries on with adapted physical classes for safety and have embraced the digital landscape of Zoom and Skype lessons.
As parents, we’ve realized that our students still need consistency, accountability, and structure. When children are home, they will be the center of their parent’s attention. However, in a group setting, the students must cooperate and give attention to others. These soft skills are crucial when heading back to school. Eventually, when our students return to the physical academic world, our hope is that we have helped keep them ahead of the curve. We don’t want our students to lose the principle of being gracious with their attention, and to be more selfless without having an, “It’s all about me” mindset.
Whether classes are in-person or in your living room, martial arts helps to maintain the discipline and focus of our children in a world that is becoming more and more isolated. Kids are being exposed to unhealthy screen time levels, and if you still choose to digitally participate, we will try to make your experience as “real” as possible.
We realize that these past few months have been some of the most dis-empowering for our communities, however, JMA remains committed to its work of empowering you. Hopefully, our team has inspired you through our example of resiliency, adaptation, and service above and beyond what is necessary to keeping you healthy, training, and of course, empowered. We will all get through this, and JMA appreciates support as we work to better support you. Seeing all of our students each week helps to keep us going and the mission always a part of our minds.