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Protecting your Child from Sexual Predators

Approximately 1.8 million adolescents in the United States have been the victims of sexual assault. 1

This is a sensitive subject, but one that should be discussed with your child using language that they can understand which does not frighten them.

It is important that you have a good understanding of these types of “tricky people” who might try to veil their evil intentions. The following information can help you equip your child to spot potential dangers.

When it comes to physical self-defense, your kids will learn to “fight back” in a quality karate program. However, a predator will often use manipulation instead of force choosing “easy” victims that they can “groom” over time.

According to Joelle Casteix, the author of ‘Well Armored Child’ and survivor of sexual abuse,

“Grooming a child is hard work that can take months, so predators are far less likely to target the child who knows these 3 items:

1) That secrets between adults and children are wrong,

2) The proper biological names of their body parts

3) NO ONE is to touch or take pictures of their genitals (and they are not to touch other people's)"

What is an easy victim?

Predators seek children with low levels of confidence, shaky or unstable relationships with their parents, and kids who otherwise feel incomplete. The stereotype is that the “bad guy/girl” wears trench coats and dark glasses. In reality, abusers are often trusted members of their community. Coaches, Teachers, Pastors and others will abuse the inherent trust given to their position. You may be a naturally trusting person, but it is important to look for warning signs. If something doesn't seem right, you should rely on your instincts and pull your child and report the suspicious behavior.

Here are some of the warning signs of grooming:

  1. The predator gives lots of attention to the child.

  2. They shower them with gifts.

  3. They get the child to keep secrets between the two of them.

  4. The predator will try to find excuses to be alone with your child.

  5. The predator will blur the boundaries of what is and isn’t appropriate by giving long hugs, tickling, back rubs, etc.

Confidence and poise go a long way in keeping your child safe, and a good martial arts program can complement the parents’ role in building their confidence while teaching invaluable self-defense skills. Take time to learn some more tips on safeguarding your kids against this type of crime.

For more information, go to

If you believe someone to be in trouble, please contact your local authorities.


Self Defense, but also defense of others. If you see something, say something.


1. Kilpatrick, D., R. Acierno, B. Saunders, H. Resnick, C. Best, and P. Schnurr, “National Survey of Adolescents,” Charleston, SC: Medical University of South Carolina, National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, 1998.

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