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Hats For Cancer

Kavin Wood is an 8 year old who has been training in martial arts at Johnson's Tiger Rock of Cary for several years. He began his TaeKwonDo journey as a Tiger Cub. Now, he is a Level 1 Instructor and assists with the Tiger Cub's Class a couple of times each week. As part of his black belt test, Kavin was asked to perform a Service Project in his community. The young student decided to collect hats for young cancer patients. He placed a box at the Tiger Rock academy and collected 15 hats. That's not all. Kavin also collected over $300 by asking for permission from his elementary school to collect donations of $1 for students who could wear a hat to school. When you ask yourself the kind of program that you want your child in, Consider that there is an academy where learning takes place on many different levels. Kavin Wood is a shining example of a student who starts something and finishes it. Though his martial arts journey is not over, (after all, he is only 8 years old), he has grown tremendously in the few years that he has been training at Johnson's TaeKwonDo, and we are proud to have him as an example student!

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