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My TaeKwonDo Journey

My Tae Kwon Do Journey by Jimmy Loo It's funny how things work out a certain way. I couldn't say I have had a common beginning to my Tae Kwon Do journey. It seemed like all the planets had lined up properly for me to be a Tae Kwon Do student. If I didn't decide that one particular day to drive over and check out the noon class, and Denny also just happened to be checking out the class the same day; I don't think I would be writing this essay now. How lucky could I have been to have another out of shape, overweight person thinking of doing the same thing and show up on the same day? Well, I've been at this for more than 2 years now, and I'm not as out of shape as I was when I started. Looking back, who knows, maybe I would have signed up later, but I know it would have been much more intimidating and not as enjoyable as those first few classes without Denny. I'm quite sure that most adults, who begin training in martial arts, would not have imagined that one day they would be approaching such a benchmark. I remember when I first started training and mentioning to Mrs. Johnson that I would be satisfied with being a brown belt. She gave me such a look that caused me to feel embarrassed to have such a small goal for my self. What I've learned from Tae Kwon Do, just like everything in life, one must try their best and push them selves to achieve the highest possible potential. Of course, back then I thought I was only brown belt material. As with many journeys in life, this particular one has been at times enjoyable, learning, and challenging. With what I had faced these last couple of months, I have learned that things can change in a blink of an eye. Now more than before I would like to be a black belt, so that not just my family, but others my age will see that it's never too late to start something that can change their life for the better. With becoming a black belt, I feel that I would be able to help and mentor more students. Even though it has taken a little longer to get to here, I am still glad I took this journey.

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