Vounteering at the Special OlympicsDevin Paulus and his stepdad, Joe Tripp volunteered at the Special Olympics as part of their black belt project at Tiger Rock Martial...
One of your instructors, Mrs. Sharron Scroggin won "Tiger Rock Martial Arts Instructor of the Year"Mrs. Sharron Scroggin has been an instructor at Tiger Rock of Cary for over 10 years. She was training and teaching long before the...
Red Cross Blood DriveJohnson's Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Cary instructor and 2nd Degree Black Belt, Jimmy Loo hosted our 1st Annual Red Cross Blood Drive...
Education InnovationI had the opportunity to hear Dr. Glenn Kleiman speak to the Cary Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on Wednesday. Dr. Kleiman is...
A Work of Art...What could be more precious than to be gifted with something made by the hands of a student? ...by a young artisan with great potential...
Hasbro Community Action Hero AwardsThe Hasbro company along with Generation On are accepting nominations for their Community Action Hero Awards 2012. One of the unique...
Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Tuscaloosa, Alabama reopens after a devastating tornado last April...Many of you probably remember last April when Mr. Stephen Keim and I went to perform community service in wake of the Tuscaloosa, Alabama...
What I believe to be the definition of success and our American Dream...Allow me to tell you a little about my background. I began training in what is now Ho-Am or Tiger Rock TaeKwonDo in 1992 as a 10th...
Karate in Cary, North CarolinaThere are numerous karate schools in Cary-a high concentration of them, I might add. Most of these martial arts dojos have similar...
Tiger Rock Black Belt Featured in the News and ObserverTiger Rock black belt, Ryan Brandt was featured in the Raleigh News and Observer this week for his participation in a Community project...